The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) mentorship program is dedicated to helping organic petrologists in successfully managing different challenges, particularly in the earlier stages of their careers, by facilitating the transition of knowledge and experience across generations and providing support and advice where appropriate.

The TSOP mentorship program enables students, early-career researchers, or any organic petrologist to connect with seasoned worldwide experts, educators, and scientists in the field and vice versa. It empowers organic petrologists in training or those at the start of their scientific/academic/industrial careers, i.e., the mentees, to determine or strengthen their focus and develop to their full potential. Simultaneously, it allows mentors to reflect upon and strengthen their mentoring skills, as well as make a valuable contribution to the discipline knowledge base and advancing the science in general.

How the mentorship program works

Participation in the mentorship program requires both a successful application and a successful match. Mentoring is the pairing of people who want to learn and grow with those people who are willing and proficient at imparting knowledge and skills, in addition to providing guidance and support.  The essence of ‘pairing’ is to match the needs of the mentee with the strengths and experience of the mentor. Mentoring relationships involve a balance of nurturing and supporting on the one hand, together with stretch and challenge on the other. The goals of mentoring will vary between mentoring partnerships; however, it should generally be a proactive and positive experience.

Areas of mentoring include, but are not limited to skills development, career advice, developing research interests, advice on designing a successful research project, publishing research, and advice on work-life balance (to promote success and prevent burnout).
The successfully matched mentor-mentee pairs are contacted and an agreement between the mentor and mentee on participation officially marks the beginning of the one-year program duration.

To begin with, the mentor and mentee mutually define their roadmap for the coming year. In return, the TSOP Councilor requests an assessment of the partnership at three and twelve months and a final report on the experience from both the mentor and mentee for publication (with permission) in the TSOP Newsletter. A guide for Mentors and Mentees will be provided at the time of matching.


As a mentor, you will help to guide and strengthen the next generation of organic petrologists, thus helping to ensure the development and growth of this scientific field.


As a mentee in this program, you have the chance to interact with an experienced professional in the field of organic petrology and ask for advice on specific projects or professional and personal development.

Application submission

Application to the mentorship program: Application is possible throughout the entire year by
e-mail to Sherry (Xiaowei) Zheng, TSOP Councilor.

should provide a short bio and a sentence explaining the type of mentorship they are willing to offer. Mentors from academia, government research and industry are accepted. Mentors do not need to be TSOP members but should be active in their fields of research.

need to provide a short paragraph expressing their expectations from the program, what type of mentorship they prefer, as well as areas of interest.
